Recruitment and Placement using behavioral AI!

M42’s Psychometric AI™ is enhancing the precision of job placements, ensuring individuals are matched with roles that maximize their success.

Military Recruiting

Whether it's an Enlistee, Recruiter, Special Operator Selection, MOS placement, or rank advancement, M42's Psychometric AI™ can identify the most suitable candidate!

M42's Psychometric AI™

In the realm of military recruiting, the integration of Behavioral AI has revolutionized the identification and selection of candidates. M42's Psychometric AI™ stands at the forefront of this transformation, employing advanced algorithms to assess not only the tangible skills and qualifications of enlistees, recruiters, special operators, and individuals with specific Military Occupational Specialties (MOS), but also their behavioral traits and compatibility with the demands of military roles.

Rapid Recruitment and Deployment

By leveraging vast datasets and predictive analytics, M42's technology goes beyond traditional screening methods. It delves into nuanced aspects of candidates' behavior, communication styles, and adaptability, ensuring a more comprehensive evaluation. This not only accelerates the recruitment and deployment processes but also heightens the likelihood of identifying individuals who not only meet job requirements but also resonate with the distinctive demands and culture of military service or specific MOS's.

Bias Reduction

The application of M42's Psychometric AI™ in military recruiting minimizes biases, promotes objectivity, and optimizes the match between individuals and their designated roles. This innovative approach not only streamlines the selection process but also contributes to building cohesive and effective military teams, ultimately strengthening the overall readiness and capabilities of the armed forces.

Business Recruiting

Bring increased objectivity, efficiency, predictive insights, diversity, cost savings, and improved overall talent management to your business with M42's Psychometric AI™

Efficient Screening and Objective Decision Making

M42's Psychometric AI™ accelerates the initial screening of candidates by analyzing large datasets and identifying patterns that match job requirements. This efficiency allows recruiters to focus on the most promising candidates more quickly while reducing human biases during the hiring process. By focusing on objective data rather than subjective impressions, M42 contributes to a fairer and more equitable evaluation of candidates.

Enhanced Candidate Matching

Behavioral AI considers not only hard skills and qualifications but also soft skills, communication styles, and cultural fit. This comprehensive evaluation enhances the likelihood of matching candidates with roles where they can thrive.

Time and Cost Savings

Automation of certain tasks, such as resume screening and initial assessments, reduces the time and resources spent on manual processes. This allows recruiters to focus on strategic aspects of hiring and shortens the overall recruitment timeline.


By identifying candidates whose behavioral traits align with the organization's culture and values, Behavioral AI contributes to higher employee satisfaction and retention. This, in turn, reduces turnover costs and maintains a stable workforce.

Sports Recruiting

M42's Psychometric AI™ in sports recruiting enhances the decision-making process by providing a more comprehensive and objective assessment of players by improving efficiency, team dynamics, and long-term success by considering not only athletic abilities but also behavioral traits and cultural fit within the organization.

Holistic Player Evaluation

M42's Psychometric AI™ goes beyond traditional metrics to assess a player's behavioral attributes, personality traits, work ethic, and coachability. This holistic evaluation helps teams build a comprehensive understanding of a player's suitability for their system and culture. It also streamlines the scouting process by analyzing vast datasets to identify patterns associated with successful players. This efficiency allows recruiters and coaches to focus their efforts on prospects who align with the team's specific needs.

Strategic Team Building

Behavioral AI assists in strategic team building by identifying players with complementary skill sets and compatible behavioral traits. This enhances the overall balance and effectiveness of the team on the field.

Predictive Performance Analytics

Identifying players whose behavioral traits align with the team's values and culture contributes to higher player satisfaction and reduced turnover. This stability is crucial for long-term success in sports organizations.


By identifying candidates whose behavioral traits align with the organization's culture and values, Behavioral AI contributes to higher employee satisfaction and retention. This, in turn, reduces turnover costs and maintains a stable workforce.